
This site is designed to give you insight on the nature of my very own being, it has been constructed to allow the expression of all who are in search of something greater than what is simply apparently in front of them... I would like all to be able to express freely their opinions, their feelings, their thoughts and their understandings of this theatre we call life and inturn I would hope to learn much from others as hopefully some may learn something from me. I will document my thoughts and experiences for all to view, in essence I anticipate this to spark up discussion to why life is what it is, and what is it that exactly is...

I do not believe one can reach enlightenment through philosophical discussion, but I do believe, that thought like anything else when exercised grows and flourishes, and thought is an integral part of existance and growth as is spirit...

I wish all that visit this web site inner tranquility, inner freedom and clarity amongst life and living...


My birth name is Stefanos, it is the name given to me by my parents. My culture is a mixture of Greek & Italian & that of a multicultrul Australia. I wont go to deeply in to my past, because I have 26 years of it & it could get lengthy, rather I would like to focus on where I am now, in this moment, in retrospect to that I am well aware that our past affects, shapes & somewhat creates who we are, what we are, how we feel and think, our characters, our personalities, & what action we take today, knowing this, I do not reject my past, it is me, I embrace it, So I continue...

Am in intrigued by life, I am curious by all that is. I love new experiences, I love and feel deeply connected to the mountains, to the ocean, & to nature, I feel a connectedness that at times superseeds any human relationship, this may be difficult to comprehend, but is an extrordinarily beautiful feeling. I am currently heavily involved in physical training, and I take it very seriously, I enjoy all training, and am currently martial arts fight training, in the form of boxing and jujitsu, along this I exert myself physically with cycling, hiking (when I can, as I love altitude), running, and all cross training. i train intensly because it takes me to a place within myself, that is deep and that is singular, it is connected to something higher. Along the benefits of performance on a physical level, this intense and focused training does something else for me, it assists me to find me, who I really am, what i am of, and how I am connected to what surrounds me... Although all that is here is finite, I will embrace this journey i am on for as long as I am meant to, all that I do, and all who cross my path, and bless my being I will acknowledge as a true gift, that is here to enhance my being, for me to learn, and perhaps for me to pass on something from my own being. This is part of the journey I am on, a journey through the maze and labrynth of life...

Namaste for now...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

31.08.08 - Thought of the day


Awareness of one’s actual capacities isn’t clear simply on the basis of daily training. The power meter tells an objective tale but it can’t know or predict the level of effort one might produce given adequate stress and motivation. In the gym the weight is the weight and it cannot be deceived – we are quite able, however, to deceive ourselves. But on the day those same plates might feel lighter. They might float upward easier. And how are we going to know if we are limiting ourselves in training or not? How can one have an epiphany by following daily routine? How do you know how you might perform on the day if there never are any of those days? Buy the ticket. Pay the entry fee. Take the test. You will probably surprise yourself.

the above was posted on a site that then my good friend Damon extracted the quote from and placed it on his blog - on strength and spirit... I visit Gym jones regualarly and alos fond the above quote deeply moving and true.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

25.08.08 - Thought of the day

I had an interesting converstaion with a very close friend of mine recently, infact it has been an on going conversation on the complex, deep and ever changing subject of the human person and its place in the universe. This topic involves much, from the human psyche to spirituality, to issues of objective truths vs subjective truths, to religion vs atheism, to science, matter, the planets, our past as people, our evolution as a planet and much more.

Today we spoke of something interesting, he was telling me how faith is basically false, and understood on false premises. I attempted to tell him that the interpretation of faith itself is subjective and not always cut a dry, to a religious extremist, faith could be considered blind following of the masses, so to speak, an outsider may interpret this, depending on their own personal history ofcourse. from there we spoke of how certain scietists, astrologists actually, people of object and matter, science and formulas actually believe in life outside our planet Earth. I am not here to agree or disagree with this argument, what I will comment on is the fact that scientists (certain scientists) believe in this premise. Based on what? I asked my dear friend? They have no evidence, no physical proof, no observatory proof, it is an assumption, a feeling perhaps? based on.... On what? A hunch? would one call this 'Faith' perhaps?? Aaahh. interesting, here my understanding of fsaith is trust, my interpretation of faith is trust, these scientists trust in their own convictions and in their own beliefs. Are they lead blindly to these assumptions? Well that is sunjective, how do you view it?

I was latter bombarded with information about religion and faith, in regards to extremism, but extremists are not all that hard to deal with, their position is one of a simplistic nature, but amongst all this my friend mentioned much of electrical impulses and that, that is real, not faith, to how he puts it. electrical impulses, the nervous system, etc, physical functions of the body.

My response (thought provoking to my understanding) which comes first, the electrical impusle through out the body, or is the electrical impulse simply a by product and a necesssary mechanism as being part of the complex systems that are involved with the body of, for instance a thought process, or a feeling of love, or fear or any emotion? and this physical reaction, the electrical impusle for example simply occurs as part of an integrated system of mind and body, one that requires all parties to come to the table in order for the game to be played. When we become frightened, do we get goosebumps before we get frightened or does our mind first initiate that feeeling of what we know to be fear through our own history and social conditioning, then the physical by product is the goosebump...

The mind exists, we all know this, but then again what is knowing?...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

21.08.08 - Thought of the day

I would be extremely curious to know where the world as a global culture would be if true reconciliation existed amongst all human persons. The words creed, culture, ethnicity, beliefs, national identity, colour, race and religion would still exist, but I would imagine they would bare and carry quite different meanings to what they do now. Their definitions would not be tainted as they are now, they meaning would not carry burden, verbalizing these expressions would bring about peace and a celebration of simple diversity with an intertwining of oneness. The words would not spark up resentment, discrimination, prejudice or pain. The term scope of justice would not exist in its entirety. Because all human persons would be included in humanity, we would actually live up to our name, “the human race”, “humanity”, these words stem from the word “humane” we would perhaps finally live up to that as people.
The joy of understanding others, no matter how different they appear, no matter how different they act, the simple act of being gracious in accepting another’s way of living, believing. The eradication of fear amongst all beings, too not be sacred that another will take “my land”, my land wouldn’t really exist as such. It would be openness to all, sharing, understanding and being generous of life and supporting fellow human beings. How beautiful this sounds on paper, to live truly free of the worry of fear, “yuk” words such as invasion, terrorism, threat would mean nothing and would seldom be used. But on paper anything is possible, in the mind anything is possible, but in the mind is where it all begins…
For this to physically manifest, much effort would be needed and reconciliation in its truest from would be required, as Susan Oppotow says; Reconciliation is not simply saying sorry for past wrongs, violent acts, acts of discrimination and prejudice or inhumane behavior, reconciliation is a work in process, it is something that must be recognized by all and practiced by all, but not superficially, it must be practiced whole heartedly and with sincere intent, this can be shown by perhaps giving, by sharing material wealth, by not placing economy and money at a higher status than human life, health and basic survival. The world works in sync with itself, all that are part of this global economy and culture are connected one way or the other. For the world to function peacefully all must work together and most importantly have a common goal and understanding of why, why are we different, and does it truly matter that physically we are different by appearance, that our cultural beliefs and practices differ, does it truly matter? I believe not, not in grand scheme of events. The common goal must be unity, a unification of understanding each other as diverse human persons yet part of the same family.
As stated previously, this is problematic at the present because of global history as a whole. For thousands of years “humanity” (not that we live up to that name) has judged each other based on appearance, based on their own insecurities and fears, based on the greediness and need to own and posses. Because of all of this, the human race has been highly conditioned to take what it wants as it wants, power is the goal, not balance and equality, the hunger for power drives the human person to take without thought, to self justify their actions through exclusion of various groups and peoples. To undo this train of thought, this embedded ness of belief in most of us, is not impossible but an arduous task which requires great effort by all, especially world leaders. This effort is strongly tied with the process of reconciliation. Each human person, even major players in regards to countries and world leaders on the global scale cannot reverse the past, and all the prejudice and all the discrimination that has taken place, but what we can do now, as a collective and unified people is take control and be responsible for our own thoughts and actions, self check and reflect upon our behaviors, attitudes, thoughts and actions. If we all could do this and constantly work on ourselves at an individual level with one common and collective goal at mind, over time, attitudes would change, minority groups would become extinct, and power of voice would be equal and dually represented, and majority groups would not exist and be measured by power, monetary wealth or even numbers based on race or global perception of a certain group of persons.
A start must be made, and it must be made with ourselves, many parts make a whole…

21.08.08 - Interesting projects...


The above is a very interesting website, and this article in particular is worth a look at! Click on it and immerse yourself in what this organisation is attempting to achieve...


Sunday, August 17, 2008


What makes one strive for excellence? As i sit and watch the Olympic games in ore at the physical capabilities of some, i wonder in amazement at their natural talent, their worked capabilities and their mind of such purity, blankness and strength. As each event passes, some excell beyond recognition, some leave the rest of the best of the world for dust. But in most events it is very close, and each individual competitor is well aware of this, they have worked years for this one event, to prove to themselves and to the world, to their peers, to their families and loved ones, and to those they hold dear to them, that they are the best in the world, all that compete, believe they can do it, otherwise they wouldn't be there. So what distinguishes Athlete to Athlete? when approaching the line, so close, when running that marathon, with a few kms to go, they all push, they push hard, they are all full of fitness, full of strength, as fatigued as they are, as sore as each joint is, as each of their lower backs scream for softness, for a pain free second, they all push through it, they've been there before, its nothing new.

is it purely physical that gets them over the line, or does something higher drive them to victory? i would like to say it is a combination of bother, as fit and strong and powerful as each individual athlete is, one is always better than the other physically, it is simply how it is, but on the day, it all changes, the past means nothing, now means everything, all the athlete has is NOW! physically the other may be better, but on the day, it can all change...

the mind prepares the body for everyday work, for those gruelling training sessions that you don't want to do because your body is burning, it is aching, another 3 years before the olympics, you can't do it your mind keeps telling you, but then you focus, your mind alters its position within yourself in relation to yourself and your mental state of being. your mind allows you to focus, your mind allows you to persevere, its about setting a mind set and having the single mindedness and commitment to hold that close to your reach, as your body strengthens through focus and intelligent wise training, your mind also strnegthens.

You see here a domino effect is created between mind and body, the two are seperate, yet the two are one in the same, they are integrated, they are one, and rely on eachother.

What get them over the line before the other, focus, dedication, physical attributions, but primarily it's a purity of mind, this purity is so pure and clean that no other thought penetrates you or exists... It is all that you know, and the athlete is self absorbed and attentive inwardly...


Saturday, August 9, 2008

09.08.08 - Thought of the day...

The article below has been re-printed with kind permission of the author, Sharon Pacione. It is an attempt to wake people up out of their complacency and ignorance and see what's really happening around them, right at this very minute. The US launched an attack on Iraq, regardless of the many in the world who opposed it, including most of the nations of the UN. Do we really believe this bullying will stop at Iraq? Country after country will follow the same fate as Iraq, until we wake up to what is going on.
History books are written by the victors, and is never an indication of the truth of what really happened, and the Native Americans are but one example. We are not being told the real truth, whether it be about history, or about current events.
But now, more and more, courageous voices are speaking out against war as a solution to anything. The first step to creating Peace is to arm yourself with the Truth. The second step is to do something about it. Each of us individually has the power to create the Peace we all wish for. And not just the power, but we have a responsibility as Global Citizens. As long as we sit back and do nothing, whether out of fear or out of ignorance, we will all be victims in the end.
I encourage you to arm yourself with Knowledge. Then rid yourself of your fears and start to do something, before it is too late. Let's give our children a world to look forward to. The native americans have the custom of basing all their actions on how it will affect 7 generations into the future; that is, the future we leave our children with. What a wonderful idea for governments to implement before they make any policies. Start to become aware of what's happening, and look behind the scenes. Start questioning. The article posted below is only one of many ways we can begin...........

"War does not determine who's right,only who's left!" Author Unknown

There is a little white lie...that we call history.
It appears that as a nation, the United States government has never considered the original people of the continent of North America to be among "all men" mentioned in the following portion of the Declaration of Independence:-
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever Any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government." ~~ The U.S. Declaration of Independence ~~As our government continues to try to go to war against the wishes of ever-growing opposition all over the world, I ask you to consider the recommendations listed in this post to educate yourself about Native American Indian cultures. I believe that the United States government has become addicted to war and it started a very long time ago! It is through awareness and understanding that humanity can purify the individual and collective hearts and minds, necessary components to bring about peace on this planet. The great purification spoken about in Native American prophecy can be as kind and gentle as humanity wishes it to be. We can either wake up and do the internal work on ourselves, manifesting peace...or continue harboring the fear and anger, manifesting war. It's as simple as that...and it's our choice!

It is our actions (or lack of them) that are determining this very minute the type of world in which we CHOOSE to live. Mankind cannot become healthy unless there is the realization that we're ill and, as a species, we are very, very sick...having spread the cancers of fear and anger rhat we carry within our collective conscious, manifesting these diseases in our outer world for all to see. Our outer world is but a mirror of our inner world. And, we are a world of pretenders, a great majority ignoring the pain brought about by unjustness in the world in which we live. Most often, we deal with what we see and hear through apathy and anesthetizing ourselves with our addictions.

Perhaps the time has come to silence the drums of wars raging within by diligently working on ourselves. Peace within is the only path to peace without. The vibrations of war enslave not only individual souls but the collective soul of humanity as well.

The following information is being highly recommended to the masses on this planet, especially here in North America. If we can begin to see how our government has treated the original people, those we often call Native Americans, perhaps we can see how prevalent the divide-and-conquer mentality has been since the first moment that colonists set foot on this continent already inhabited by millions of people. Most of these videos will not bring about a warm, fuzzy feeling, but having one's story told and being heard is part of the healing process. Please consider educating yourself and your family and friends, especially the children, so that the big fat lie that became the little white lie we call history can be corrected. Even if it isn't pretty, we should start telling the truth.

Those of us who work for peace care deeply about Mother Earth and what kind of world we are creating for all children, for people of all cultures. Knowledge continues to be power, but let's no longer choose "power-over" in our ways of dealing with people and countries, but power used in a wise way for the greater good of all of life, including the planet herself.

This is the time of a great awakening by humanity, but we must not just wake up if we wish to effect positive change in the world, we must get out of bed!!! We have unlimited opportunities to educate ourselves about what's really happening in the world and be a voice for peace. We can also make ourselves aware of real history that never made it into our history books. And, once we become aware, we might start to wonder just what the agenda really is on our planet by those who continue to enslave the spirit of humanity through the vibrations of fear brought about by war and oppression. There seems to be a constant need to feed the beast of oppression to make a few people rich and comfortable.

Here's one last bit of food for thought. The masses have always been controlled through fear, and what better way to continue the vibrations of fear than through war? It is serving the agenda of the divide-and-conquer "powers that be" (in their minds) to make the prophecies concerning what has been called the "end times" come true. And, we should remember that war is a BUSINESS. How does one justify feeding the beast, if there is no war?
If humanity removes the "sheeple" robe it has so comfortably worn and becomes part of "we the people" instead of "we the sheeple", we can manifest peace instead of war. It is OUR CHOICE and this IS OUR COUNTRY...ISN'T IT?...ALL OF US!!!!

Let's not let the U.S. government mantra of "broken treaties, broken spirits" spread any further into the global scene than it already has!
The time of separation is over...the time of oneness, of knowing the connectedness of everything, is here. Please consider viewing the following to give even a small glimpse of the history that never made it into the history books because the little white lies did instead.
When we start to unpeel the onion of truth, we will realize that this is only the beginning. Be prepared to have this onion of truth make you cry. Part of the tears will come because of the realization of how we have allowed ourselves to be duped by the illusions that have passed (and continue to pass) for truth for so long!

"Only to the white man was nature a "wilderness" and only to him was the land "infested" with "wild" animals and "savage" people. To us, it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery. Not until the hairy man from the east came and with brutal frenzy heaped injustices upon us and the families we loved was it "wild" for us. When the very animals of the forest began fleeing from his approach, then it was for us that the "wild west" began."Luther Standing Bear,Chief of the Oglala Sioux Tribe (1868-1939)Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The relationship between "push" and "pull"


As I sit on the saddle sweating, bleeding, working, the salt from sweat stinging my eyes, the wind burning my face, oxygen deprived, burnt, and hurting, I feel those close to me on my wheel, I sense those in front, just in front of my wheel, my muscles burning and full of lactate, my lungs on fire, as each turn, and revolution burns just a little more, and taxes my energy system, more and more. I feel I am losing touch with those infront of my wheel, so close, yet so far, 1 inch becomes 3, becomes 5, becomes 1 foot, becomes 1 metre, then im on my own, what to do, the feeling of lonlines overcomes, becomes overwhelming, contesting with the physical pain is bearabel, it hurts beyond belief, but you know you can hold on, on his wheel, im there, im not far, there is another behind me, but I dont care, just keep spinning, just regulate and maitain the cadence, thats the goal. I reach for water, as if its your saviour, as if there is some miracle in this liquid thats going to provide me with everlasting energy.. Very quickly, very rapidly it is learnt that, that is not the case, it is far from it, and if anything the more you drink the more you want and the heavier you become...

Still dropping off, still dropping back, I contest with the physical pain, and in the same instance my mind (already weakened ) by pain experiences flashes of disapointment, resentment in my self, in my weakness, in my performance, in my weakness of mind, as I fall back further and further, my mind has arlready decided and pre empted my fate, you've failed, you've lost, you are already last, why keep trying, why keep pushing, your becoming weaker, your hurting more, you cannot recover from this, your falling back too far, let it go, just spin over the line, just relax, you cannot win...

The mind self defeats itself and all that is connected to it...

Shame... Its not the body thats weak, yes it's hurting, BUT, if we allow the mind to go, let it go where it wants, allow the mind to partake in any form it chooses, surely the body has no choice but to follow...
My attitude alters, change your inner voice, it's screams at you to pick it up, what you are experiencing is not simply physiological, your body is depleated, yes, but can be reinforced and refuelled by the power of thought and feeling, fill every cell in your body with power, with power of thought, and power of action, your cadence increases, your power out put hightens, your will, your drive is throbbing with one thing and one thing only, do! do! do!

All you can concentrate on is; get them, get them, catch them, work, work, work!

"When they are resting, I am working, when they are working, I am working even harder..." Stef S Sifandos.
Thats is the power of the mind... That is the difference between pulling back and pushing forward...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

06.08.2008 - Thought of the day

"And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something". Mother Teresa...

I would like to expand on that briefly. to love in purity is to have no limits and no boundries on our fellow neighbours, by neigbours I refer to all that we live beside, near and far, in visual sight and far beyond. A deeper understanding of our surroundings can create the sense of limitlessness within each individual which can then transcend to the greater collective. It is constraint of mind, placing barb wire around one's thoughts which reflects upon our attitudes and expressions, which casues pain and suffering on many levels through discrimination. Love is not discriminatory, acceptance is part of love, it begins with openenss of mind, heart, and will, boundries and borders of demograph and of mind then fall down...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

03.08.08 - Thought of the day

Training today with a few close souls was good for the spirit. A close friend and mentor is leaving us shortly, travelling overseas with his family to pursue his carreer, further personal development and experience. He will be dually missed. His wisdom, his life, his knowledge of deep training techniques, completely invaluable, a brilliant mind for training.

He was very much with us today training, concentrating, focusing, but I also knew he was far away, already embarking on his new adventure, perhaps nervous, perhaps simply anxious to what awaits, but always calm, he is always calm and reflective and strong willed. I sensed his distance today, but it is situsations such as these, that assist one in reflecting deeply upon what is important in life, and how important certain experiences trully are. His presence is powerful and an authority when we put our minds and bodies through intensity on all and various levels, I, we look to him for guidence, he is strong psychologically and physically. One truly learns to appreciate what they have when the reality of seperation is addressed.

In saying all this though, it is all for growth and strengthening of ties and friendships, this situation has allowed me to deeply reflect upon the goodness that this soul has bought in to my life, the strength, wisdom and courage he has provided me with, and it is not the end, simply the beginning of something new, with today's technology, communication is simple, and i know that he is not far. His mind is easily accessible. A wonderful training partner and friend, I am glad, deeply happy to have met him...

I wish you the best my friend, and this will be the first of other posts dedicated to you, your knowledge and wisdom is priceless and should be shared with all.

Good work today gentlemen, training was intense, yet very relaxed at the same time, a solid atmosphere for training, and reaching deep within ones self and pleasant atmosphere for knowing you are surrounded by sincerity and trust...