
This site is designed to give you insight on the nature of my very own being, it has been constructed to allow the expression of all who are in search of something greater than what is simply apparently in front of them... I would like all to be able to express freely their opinions, their feelings, their thoughts and their understandings of this theatre we call life and inturn I would hope to learn much from others as hopefully some may learn something from me. I will document my thoughts and experiences for all to view, in essence I anticipate this to spark up discussion to why life is what it is, and what is it that exactly is...

I do not believe one can reach enlightenment through philosophical discussion, but I do believe, that thought like anything else when exercised grows and flourishes, and thought is an integral part of existance and growth as is spirit...

I wish all that visit this web site inner tranquility, inner freedom and clarity amongst life and living...


My birth name is Stefanos, it is the name given to me by my parents. My culture is a mixture of Greek & Italian & that of a multicultrul Australia. I wont go to deeply in to my past, because I have 26 years of it & it could get lengthy, rather I would like to focus on where I am now, in this moment, in retrospect to that I am well aware that our past affects, shapes & somewhat creates who we are, what we are, how we feel and think, our characters, our personalities, & what action we take today, knowing this, I do not reject my past, it is me, I embrace it, So I continue...

Am in intrigued by life, I am curious by all that is. I love new experiences, I love and feel deeply connected to the mountains, to the ocean, & to nature, I feel a connectedness that at times superseeds any human relationship, this may be difficult to comprehend, but is an extrordinarily beautiful feeling. I am currently heavily involved in physical training, and I take it very seriously, I enjoy all training, and am currently martial arts fight training, in the form of boxing and jujitsu, along this I exert myself physically with cycling, hiking (when I can, as I love altitude), running, and all cross training. i train intensly because it takes me to a place within myself, that is deep and that is singular, it is connected to something higher. Along the benefits of performance on a physical level, this intense and focused training does something else for me, it assists me to find me, who I really am, what i am of, and how I am connected to what surrounds me... Although all that is here is finite, I will embrace this journey i am on for as long as I am meant to, all that I do, and all who cross my path, and bless my being I will acknowledge as a true gift, that is here to enhance my being, for me to learn, and perhaps for me to pass on something from my own being. This is part of the journey I am on, a journey through the maze and labrynth of life...

Namaste for now...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

01.08.08 - Thought of the day

Let us ocus on fear and what it does and why it occurs. Fear; What is it? is it good? is it bad? does it sever purpose to our lives? can it help us? can it hurt us (on the surface)? do we need it? does it promote inner growth? spiritual awareness? emotional discomfort perhaps? the answer is yes to all of the above and more, but only if we allow it to.

Fear is a defense mechanism, on one part, it can allow us to survive and on one level is something that is deeply inate in every human person, it can be the make or break of life, and physiologically provides each person with an integral part of understanding their own body.

this can onl happen though if one is open to self realization, and self reflection. fear is not bad, fear of anything is good, what is required to accomplany this fear, either in the moment or post moment is intense reflection of how this fear can help you, how does it serve here and now, and what can i learn not only from the fear that dwells deep within me, but from the external situation that has arisen this feeling of discomfort and fear within me. And in the future can this situation be prompted to have a natural reaction of another besides that of fear, through perhaps understanding and conditioning and learning of oneself.

Fear is daunting, it is "scary" but that is ok, we must see why we have this fear and constantly work through it, immerse ourselves in it, understand it, learn more of it, and its connection to ourselves and the external object if there is one, we must know everything there is to know about it, becasue only then will we overcome it and move to another realm of being. Immersing yourself and familiarizing yourself with anything means you will be part of it, means you will be familiar with it, and unfamiliarity breeds fear, therefore fear can be felt, worked with and understood then discarded and the individual can move on.

There are many experiences, thoughts and feelings that promote fear in our lives, it is part of who we are and will not go away, nor does it need to, it will only leave when we fully undertsand our selves and relationship with all that surrounds us, until then we must embrace all that we know, and if an experience is felt not to be needed, then understand it in full an dlet it go, of thought and emotion.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

30.07.08 - Thought of the day

To wat extent can one push themselves? And what entails all that is oneself? Is it body, brain, mind, soul, spirit, all of the above and more? on many levels yes it is more, it is our experiences, our history, our upbringing, our race, understandings of the external world, and much more,but this particular discussion isn't focusing on that, it is focusing on what is it particularly that allows a person to push past perceived limits? I would want to discuss here at this point, the power of the mind, and that focussing on the function and capability of the mind, that one can move to another ealm of understanding, on a physical level and on a mental level.

It is greatly believed that if we focus on the strength that the mind can provide the physical body, on can accomplish anything...

I will leave this post on this note, short, yet I believe extremely thought provocative, and will continue to address the mind / body connection continuosly throughout this blog.


29.07.08 - Aspects of intensity training...

Today i decided to train with physical intensity and maintain high levels of focus without the aid of water, something i have done many times before, for conditioning. this time was different though, i decided to reflect deeply on the tremendous thirst that dwelled from deep within.

I could nothelp but feel pain for those who do not have access to clean fresh revitalizing pure water, the smooth running liquid. When concentrated upon, especially when one is very thirsty, the water transmutes its natural form, and ideologically and physically becomes something far more powerful than simply a thirst quencher. It becomes life saving, but more to that it becomes life. if one focuse you can feeel a debt of gratitude to the life force that proceeds to enter ones domain, on a physical level this is soothing, on a spiritual level something truly amazing is occuring...

I feel a connectedness to something greater, I understand in greater depth what surrounds me, the poverty, the disadvantaged that have no access to this simplicity of living (or at least what should be) I feel their pain and become deeply humbled by something as simple as water.. well it's simple to us.

Reflect on the simplicities of life (or what appear to be, to the majority of the western world) and without fully travelling one can understand and know to some extent the world that surrounds them,, all that is needed is appreciation for one's position in life, and gratefullness to what one has, thought, consideration, reflection, and a little of one's time, it is that simple...


Monday, July 28, 2008

29.07.08 - Thoughts of the Day

“The problem to be faced is: how to combine loyalty to one's own tradition with reverence for different traditions”. Abraham Joshua Heschel

“Let us not speak of tolerance. This negative word implies grudging concessions by smug consciences. Rather, let us speak of mutual understanding and mutual respect”. Father Dominique Pire

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd”. Bertrand Russell

“What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature”. Voltaire

“The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with”. Eleanor Holmes Norton

28.07.08 - A tribute to a man beyond brilliance...

Anthony Imbrusciano...

A beautiful spirit, a wonderful Human Person, an enquisitive soul, an absolutely brilliant mind and a compassionate spirit... I was given the sad news of his passing not too long ago, i was informed that he died whilst i was away in the USA training, i have had a sad feeling in my being regarding the health of Anthony for some time now, and whenever i have contacted his collegues the news has been unpleasant and declining regarding his health...

Dr Anthony Imbrusciano is my Philosophy Lecturer at University, he was one of my first teachers at University, i have been studying for 5 years now (part time) and Anthony has been my Lecturer for a good part of those years. But he was more than that, he was a mentor, and a friend, and upon deep reflection, he assisted me in forming the person i am today, with his friendly open nature, his charasmatic, yet shy approach and his deep wisdom, on life and the universe surrounding us.

Such an informed scholar and individual, highly intelectual and informative with deep maturity of wisdom to match, such a humble person, he was and still is a wonderful role model for all who wish to aspire to being the best possible human person they can be.

His love of Philosophy and the never ending search for wisdom astounded me, his intelectual capacity was overwhelming, but most of all i was humbled by his own humbleness and poise of character. A beautiful man whom i discussed many times with training and training techniques, how to improve ones own performance and ability in that realm of being. Discussions i will never forget. He gave me inspiration to continue to study, deeper, in to the subject matter, deeper in to the "difficult questions", deeper in to life. he gave me a foundation to want to learn and understand more, i would look forward to every semester, hoping i would have him as my lecturer, as hard as a marker he was, i didnt care, i just wanted to be surrounded by his wisdom, and knowledge.

Anthony isn't just an inspiration to myself, I am very sure he is an inspiration to all who have crossed his path, I am sure he influenced and touched many souls in their endeavour to understand and contemplate the deep truths of life and being, he did this for me, and I am certain he did this for others, those close to him (closer than I was, on a different level) were blessed enough to know him in a greater capacity, and I am certain than when faced with the concept of physical death Anthony stood tall within his own being and did not stop fighting and searching to the end...

That's the Anthony I knew, a strong willed spirit, that's one of many qualities and attributes that he has passed on to me, and I will never forget what he is to me, he is an integral part of my own being, and my own search for truth, reality and all that is.

I thank you deeply and with great humbleness for all that you have provided me in this life Anthony, i appreciate deeply your wisdom and all of your time, as I understand that time on this Earth plane is limited and i was given and blessed with the opportunity to consume some of your time on this Earth, and to this I am truly in debt and ever lasting gratitude. As Eastern Philosophy and understanding would state, we are all intertwined in a circle of karma, that is only broken when we have achieved all that our souls must within this Earth Plane, and Nirvana is reached. Christianity states that if one has live their life a certain way, and executed certain thought processes in a particular way that the individual will be rewarded greatly with the prospect of heaven... Whatever "truth" is my friend, i am certain, the integrity of your character, and the essence of your being has bought you to a place where you are free...

I thank you for all that you are to me and to all the souls you have blessed along your wonderful journey we call life, I am sure you simply didn't walk through life blindly, but you embraced life, and you lived life, and maximized your time here.

I believe i could go on forever about the strength and inspiration of your presence and being. i will stop here, because I feel these words are not doing justice to all that you are. I miss you my friend, believe me, you are missed dearly and tremendously, i wish you all that need where you are...

I will see and feel your powerful presence soon, in one way, shape or form...

Love Always, Stef...

Sunday, July 27, 2008


What is real? Does reality exist? How do we know, when reality confronts us?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

27.07.08 - Thought of the Day

"Now my friends, I am opposed to the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the natural equipment to do for myself but because I am not satisfied to make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under the old ethic that man's business on this earth was to look out for himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast. Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man. Thousands of years ago the question was asked; ''Am I my brother's keeper?'' That question has never yet been answered in a way that is satisfactory to civilized society.

Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality but by the higher duty I owe myself. What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death".

1908 speech: Eugen. V. Debs

26.07.08 - On Physical Intensity Training...

What allows us to push through and percevere through intense physical pain? what are reasons? the purpose? why expose our bodies to torture? Why be ambitious to climb the highest peak? What are we conquering when we say weve conquered the highest peak in this world? are we physically conquering this peak, this mountain, or are we conquering something much deeper within our own world, not the external world that surround us?

Does this warrent the pain, the lack of oxygen at altitude, the potentiality at losing toes, feet, limbs, becoming disillusioned by whats infront of us, the fear of isolation, of staring death at its face? Is this worth the "conquor"? i believe so? and is it something external that we as individuals are conquering? i believe not.

It is a force driving from deep within the being of the individual, a life force if you will, something that speaks to us, that we do not know,but know, an energy we do not understand, but know it in fullness, it is our essence that comes through, a fighting spirit, not one of survival, becasue fundamentally survival is basic, but a fighting forward spirit of living, to live life, whatever the cost, to experience, to understand in fullness what it is to be alive, not to simply survive. Why, why all this?

To know who we are, we must push ourselves in every direction, in regards to intense physical training it could be; climbing mountains, cycling, fighting for survival,running distances or under the bar, intenity training requires great focus, deep understanding of self and surroundings, post reflection of events and single mindedness, qualities which allow us to be on the path to know ourselves in fullness. The external simply exists based on our perception of it, would the external world be what it is if we werent here to interpret it?? It is a playing field for each and every individual to play their game, to learn how the game is played and to find their way to victory...

Victory represents diversity to all who play, "there are many roads to China" as they say, and intense physical training is perhaps part of a road there, maybe "China" isnt the destination, maybe the destination is unknown and is discovered only through directly experiencing the journey, if this be the case then i say to all, enjoy the journey, if you are rapidly losing the game, change your tactics, take another path, worry not of the destination, but gain immensly and learn rapidly and thoroughly of the "current journey" you tread, only then will your own personal truth be revealed to you in fullness...


Thursday, July 24, 2008


Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honor for many generations and in diverse places. Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it. Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past. Do not believe what you yourself have imagined, persuading yourself that a God inspires you.Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests. After examination, believe what you yourself have tested and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

24.07.08 - Thought of the day

"When we come into contact with the other person, our thoughts and actions should express our mind of compassion, even if that person says and does things that are not easy to accept. We practice in this way until we see clearly that our love is not contingent upon the other person being lovable". Thich Nhat hanh


to be at harmony with oneself requires patience, requires focus and requires practice and a harnessing of inner quietness that perhaps can only be achieved with habituall input of various sources and energies by oneself...

Training yesterday, physically quite flat, yet i managed to focus inwardly and push through, i chose to focus on my breathing, and although the interval session was rapid on the lungs and inhalation, i chose to bypass that physical pain, and bring attention to quiteness that dwelled somewhere deep within me. I did not manage to find it in full, because, i feel if i did, i would of felt better, but i am on the path to...

time, practice and persistance...

an older pic of me riding..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the labrynth of life

In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth (Gk. λαβύρινθος labyrinthos) was an elaborate structure constructed for King Minos of Crete at Knossos and designed by the legendary artificer Daedalus to hold the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull and which was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus. Daedalus had made the Labyrinth so cunningly that he himself could barely escape it after he built it. Theseus was aided by Ariadne, who provided him with a fateful thread, literally the "clew," or "clue," to wind his way back again.
The term labyrinth is often used interchangeably with
maze, but modern scholars of the subject use a stricter definition. For them, a maze is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage with choices of path and direction; while a single-path ("unicursal") labyrinth has only a single Eulerian path to the center. A labyrinth has an unambiguous through-route to the center and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate.

do we create our own twisted and tangled paths in life?

23.07.08 - thought of the day

What is love?

Does what we know to be love, really love?

Is love real? Or is it simply in our minds?

The next question would be, is whats in our minds reality?
